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Los Angeles GIA Study Club) Upper Anterior Implant

$150.00 USD $0.00 USD Sale 100%

Upper Anterior Implant



※ 수강료는 세미나 당일 현장에서 현금 결제 입니다. (Venmo 가능)
※ 저녁식사 제공 (7pm~7:30pm)


  • Location : Hiossen-Los Angeles 
  • Address : 6940 Beach Blvd, Ste. D-401 Buena Park, CA, 90621
  • Date : Febryary 4, 2025 (7pm ~ 9pm 2 Hours)
  • CE Credits : 2 CE
  • Speaker : Dr. Young Sam Kim (DDS, MS, PhD)



▽ Profile of Speaker

Our director, Dr. Kim, is already a world -renowned instructor. He is invited not only in the United States but also in many European countries, Australia, New Zealand, and many countries in Asia, and teaches dentists around the world about dental implants and 3molar extractions.

A broadcaster, a prominent instructor and a author of best-selling

  • Graduated from Jeonbuk National University School of Dentistry
  • Completed Master’s and Doctoral courses at Jeonbuk National Universit
  • University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry Periodontics-Implant CE
  • UCLA School of Dentistry Periodontics Preceptorship
  • UCLA School of Dentistry OMS Preceptorship
▽ Course Description

This course is designed to provide general dentists with advanced techniques and knowledge regarding upper anterior implants. The focus will be on the clinical application of implant placement in areas with high esthetic demands and anatomical considerations, such as thin alveolar bone, limited soft tissue, and proximity to adjacent teeth. Participants will learn strategies to achieve predictable aesthetic outcomes while addressing challenges unique to the anterior region. This course will also help clinicians overcome common obstacles in achieving functional and aesthetic success in upper anterior implant cases. Participants will receive both lecture and participation credits.

▽ Curriculum
  • How to place upper anterior implants
  • Considerations of upper anterior implants
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세미나 결제

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  • 질문지 문항에 빠짐없이 답변 해주세요.
  • 작성된 정보가 충분하지 않다면, 이메일로 질문지를 다시 요청할 수 있습니다.


+1 818 860 9899


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